
Friday, August 5, 2011

Toe Nail Art

I never tried nail art on my toe nails, this is my first time. After doing it I can say that adding a simple Toe Nail Art design to your toes will make them look so special!! You will feel great too, I'm sure!
Inspiration was letter 'S', this is first letter of my hubby's name.

What you need for simple toe nail art is...

  • Silver Nail polish
  • Top coat
  • Black nail paint
  • Nail art brush

1) Apply silver nail paint on all toe nails.
 2) Take your nail art brush and make this design on only thumb toe nails. For design I chose      black nail paint.
 Its simple and if you want you can make designs on other toe nails too.
I have completed it only in few minutes. Let me know what you think about this Toe nail art.



  1. Really pretty nail art Vertu :)

  2. @Aarthi
    thank you soooooo much Aarthi. :)

  3. Your blog looks wonderful.Really i like your post about the nail art. Thanks for sharing this.

    nail art

  4. @Elizabeth Sanchez
    Thanks a bunch Elizabeth. It means a lot to me. :)

  5. Thanks. Yes, it took me several hours to find and organize all these topics. The list even includes topics from the first forum so you might want to take a look.

    Simple Nail Art Designs - Pure Blend


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